DME (Durable Medical Equipment) Accreditation and State license

What is DME accreditation? Who needs DME accreditation? Why get DME accreditation?

DME accreditation is often referred to those individual DME companies that want to obtain a Medicare PTAN number and become a Medicare DME provider. Accreditation is required in order to become a Medicare, Medicaid or Medical DME provider. Not often required by PPO (private healthcare insurances) just yet, but with the ever changing laws in the DME field, that can change at any moment. Most PPO (private healthcare insurances) do follow Medicare’s guidelines and that’s why it’s always best to hire the right DME consultant here at Start DME, LLC that knows the rules and guidelines to get you on the right path for your accreditation process.

Who needs DME accreditation you may ask? Accreditation is for those DME providers seeking into getting their DME facility accredited through an accreditation company that will do an onsite inspection to make sure that their facility meets all the requirements for accreditation.

The process for accreditation can be anywhere from 60 days to 1 year depending on each individuals needs.

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Medicare DME Credentialing

What is DME Credentialing?

DME credentialing is for those DME companies that want to become an in-network provider for any PPO (private healthcare insurance, eg: Aetna, United Healthcare, Blue Shield or Medicare)

Having accreditation goes hand in hand with credentialing. It shows your professionalism to private paying healthcare insurance and Medicare. Chose the right team to lead you in the right direction for all your DME accreditation and credentialing needs.

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Why get DME accreditation? It’s best to demonstrate that your business is aligned with regulatory requirements. Provide your DME business with a competitive edge in the marketplace. Your DME business also assures patients, physicians, government agencies/representatives, healthcare associations, and the public at large of the competence, professionalism, and safe practice environment of your business.

We offer DME/HME accreditation services where all our clients get a discounted price. Ask us about or client accreditation services!

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